Sunday, March 1, 2015

Not Satisfied

Archaeology meetings arrived and I was assigned to registration table. After the first meeting, two ladies walked up and grabbed Revelation seminar fliers. Noticing their interest, I wanted to make an effort to solidify their interest and personally invite them. I eagerly grabbed their attention by confirming their interest in the flier, and began talking to them how they were going to enjoy the seminar. As we became better friends one lady walks closer to me and asks, "Do you go to church here, when there is church here?" "Yes, I do!" I replied. She continued to tell me how she was raised Baptist and how she heard about the Sabbath and sees it in the Bible. She shared with me how she has been doing a lot of Bible studying, and wants to know what Adventists believe. At this point her sister, who was with her, said, "have you ever heard of Doug Bachelor? I watch him and listen to him all the time, he is amazing!" I concurred. She asked me if I knew anyone who would be willing to give her Bible studies, because she wasn't content with the beliefs of the Baptist church as she had been studying. We exchanged numbers and information, and will be studying together next Monday. She and her sister both plan to attend the Revelation Seminar coming up, and both are eager to understand what the truth is. Pray for them, the series, and me, as we dig deeper into God's word.

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