Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Meeting With The President

"An Epic Adventure in the Making," for those of you that don't know, that's the name of my other blog. There's one main reason why I chose that blog title and that's because once I decided to go into full time ministry, life has suddenly become one epic adventure. Although I may have traveled the world, it doesn't even come close to the adventure of living a life for God.

Little did I know that committing to serving God will lead to traveling far more then I had ever imagined (and more frequently at that), and also putting me in situations I thought I would never be in as well. For example what happened today...well I guess to give some background information this story began about two weeks ago. 

About two weeks ago, I drove to the hospital. My visit wasn't because I was struggling with a health issue and I wasn't visiting a sick patient either, I was there for an entirely different reason. The Sonora Regional Hospital is the only hospital in this entire county, so it's pretty well known and popular. It's so popular that it took me several minutes just to find a parking spot. 

After I found a spot, I grabbed my computer bag and headed toward the entrance. Meanwhile this dialogue (or I guess monologue) was running through my head: "Lord, I have no idea where I'm going, I've never been to this hospital and I really don't know where anything is. I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to find this guy." I glanced at the different entrances in attempt to figure out which way I should actually go. "Emergency entrance, nope, that's probably not it." For the record this hospital is pretty huge and they do have several entrances. I finally noticed the doors that said "main entrance" and proceeded inside. 

I walked up to the reception counter and started making casual conversation with the workers. Then I told them the reason why I was there, I wanted to talk to Andy Jahn, the President of the hospital. Without hesitation one of the workers took me through a bunch of "staff only" doors and led me down to the main offices in the hospital. In my mind I'm thinking "Lord, this is crazy, is this really happening right now? You literally just had me, a 22 year old kid walk into the hospital like I own the place asking to speak to the President. Lord, please give me the words to say." Something that I learned from being a colporteur is to name drop, say things confidently, pray like crazy, and let God take care of everything else.  God got me in some places most colporteurs normally don't go in while canvassing such as wedding receptions and operating rooms (both of those are completely different stories). And well that day it was talking to the President of the Sonora Regional Hospital. Although I didn't actually talk with him that day I did get an appointment (after all as you could expect hospital Presidents have several things they have to do). 

That leads me to today. At two o'clock I had a meeting with both the President and Vice President of the hospital. It still felt weird walking through the staff only doors cause this time I didn't have anyone escorting me. I actually almost got lost cause it's seriously like a maze down there. I met with the President's assistant and waited in the waiting room until I got called into the Vice President's office. 

I chatted with the Vice President until the President walked in and then I proceeded to tell them the reason I came. As I mentioned in a previous blog post our church is planning a health seminar to reach the community physically with the ultimate goal of reaching them spiritually. The thought came to my mind "why not partner with the hospital in getting people to come to our health seminar?" The purpose of that meeting was to ask the hospital to advertise for us and help get the word out there. People seem to trust their doctors and are more likely to listen to them then a 22 year old kid, so if the hospital and the doctors are supporting our health seminar...they'll be more likely to come. And ultimately we are using this health seminar to bridge over to the Revelation seminar coming up in March.

The President was more then pleased to partner with us and offered to take care of all of our advertising through the hospital. Not only are they going to take care of printing flyers for us, but they are also notifying all of the employees as well as putting our flyer on all their digital screens throughout the hospital. Oh and they're doing all that for free, praise the Lord!

And my God shall supply all your needs according to 
His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

No...On Second Thought, Sign Me Up

An example of the massive driveways I'm talking about.
A few weeks ago Melina and I decided to go and survey a neighborhood that had previously been canvassed. We pulled up in Melina's car, parked on the side of the road and hopped out. The street consisted of a massive hill with houses that consisted of more massive hilly driveways. Since Melina's knee had been giving her problems I decided to do the homes with the bigger driveways (at least that was the original plan). As the night progressed I ended up only visiting three houses while Melina did the rest of the street. (Sorry Melina, I really intended to do the houses with the massive driveways.) No one was home at the first house. I got invited inside the second house and ended up giving an impromptu Bible study. Then I got to the third house, that's what this blog post is really about.

I walked down the long drive way and knocked on the door. Kim answered and I began asking her about different programs we were offering. She got super excited about the Natural Foods Cooking school and then invited me inside. We kept talking and as I continued going down the list of programs I got to the main reason why I was there, I wanted to know if she was interested in personal Bible studies. Her initial reaction was, "No!" She then told me about her Catholic background and how she really wasn't interested in Bible studies. So I went back to talking about health. 

I haven't always been the healthiest person. I had a lot of health problems such as severe anemia as well as other things even the specialists couldn't figure out. However, when I changed my diet, my health problems either went away or got significantly better. I didn't change my diet because I didn't like eating the things I used to, but because I felt so much better, I decided to stick with it. Now my health has been an a gradual upward slope. Last year around this time I was privileged to be apart of a Health Practicum my school put on and this year I took a class called Health and Healing which also aided my lifestyle changes. The main homework in my health class was to exercise for an hour every day, besides Saturday, and I was really surprised with the results by the end of the semester. Another portion of my health class was learning how to do simple treatments and natural remedies, and I must say it's pretty awesome. 

This is pretty much exactly what I talked to Kim about after she turned me down for Bible studies. My goal when leaving someone's house, especially if they tell me no, is to at least leave them with a smile on their face. Since Kim really liked talking about health, I stuck with that. I started filling out her contact info for the health seminar Melina and I are planning and then started walking towards to the door to leave. As I was leaving Kim stopped me and said "on second thought, you can sign me up for personal Bible studies as well." 

Random fact: Kim is a hairdresser
 (also my mom is a hairdresser)
This was right before our most recent study. 
I heard several times, "Medical missionary work is the right hand of the gospel. It is necessary to the advancement of the cause of God. As through it men and women are led to see the importance of right habits of living, the saving power of the truth will be made known... God's methods of treating disease will open doors for the entrance of present truth." (Counsels on Health, pg. 219) But that night I really got to see it first hand. 

In fact because of how health is an amazing bridge to leading others to the gospel, we decided to put on a health seminar. The health seminar will be right before our church's evangelistic series and our ultimate goal is to get them hooked on health, then lead them to Jesus.
Notes from our first meeting to plan the health seminar

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fixing Pot Holes

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to our amazing house parents. Their real names are Ed and Linda Russell but we call them Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo. Living with them has been such a blessing. They spoil us as if we were their own kids and they are just a blast to be around. Melina and I constantly find ourselves talking about how amazing Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo are for several reasons. 
It's amazing to see a praying family as well as seeing their interaction with each other as well (I must say it's rather adorable). They're always asking us when our Bible studies are so that they can pray for us the same time we're studying with someone. Also it's precious to see them always together whether they're playing a board game, hanging out in the living room, or even fixing pot holes in their neighborhood. (Hint: I'm gonna talk about potholes now, as you probably guess from the title of this blog.)

One day when Melina and I were coming home, we found Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo on the road leading to their house fixing pot holes. Now fixing pot holes isn't necessarily something that people do every day so I decided to ask them about it. Since their live on a private country road the government doesn't upkeep the road and it tends to get beat up. Their neighbors can't afford to chip in to pay the government to repave it, so Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo have taken upon themselves to fix it.They get on their golf cart with a bucket full of black top mix and the drive down the road fixing each one. It's cute because they'll make each fill creative by adding stones to write in different words such as peace, joy, and love, or their draw pictures like smiley faces. 

A few days later I went on a walk down the road and ran into Aunty Gogo while walking back. We started talking about fixing pot holes and she mentioned something to me that was profound. She said, "the best way to fix a pot hole is to work on it when it's still small because it's easier to fix, the bigger ones are still fixable but it takes more work." This made me think about how we're walking down this road of life, and sometimes we have pot holes. 

Pot holes are like broken pieces in our heart. Not everyone has the same pot hole. It may be in a different area of the road and it may be in a variety of sizes. There's one thing we all have in common though; all our pot holes need fixing. The nice thing is we have someone who is an expert in not just fixing our pot holes, but filling those holes with a love that can satisfy. 

Think about your life, is there a pot hole in your life that God wants to fix? He wants to fix it for you, it's just up to you if you decide to let Him. 

"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit."
Psalm 34:18

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Surveys & Soy Steamers

On Sunday night I walked into Starbucks. There was several people just hanging out in there all doing their own thing. Some were on their computers while others were reading books. I must say the environment is pretty laid back. It's seems to be the perfect place people can go to be anti-social in public (I know that's an oxymoron but that's literally what people do). The purpose I had for going to Starbucks was completely different from most frequent Starbucks attendees, I wasn't there to order some sort of coffee that takes 30 seconds and 15 adjectives to describe, I was there to give a Bible study. While I waited for my Bible study contact to arrive, I decided to get a soy steamer.

For the record if you haven't had a soy steamer before, they're amazing! Even if the Starbucks barista has no idea what it is they should be able to make one. When I ordered mine the employee looked at me and said "well I have soy and I have a steamer, I figure it out." After getting my delectable warm beverage, I sat down and waited for my contact. The only problem was she never showed. I tried calling her, but the number she gave me didn't work either. Instead of leaving I figured God still had me at that Starbucks for a reason so I might as well do something productive. 

I then reached into my bag and grabbed some surveys and started talking to everyone in the Starbucks lobby. There was a few people interested in natural foods cooking school but that's not what I was really looking for, I really wanted to find people that wanted to study the Word of God. After finishing surveying half the store I started walking over to the other side. There were four individuals all doing their own thing and I really had no idea who I should talk to, so as I walked over I prayed in my head, "Lord, who do you want me to talk to?" Right as I finished praying that prayer an older gentleman looked up at me. I walked over to him and started a conversation with him while asking him questions on the survey. I started talking to him about cooking and the conversation eventually led to talking about God. Now that I think back on it I don't even entirely remember how it led to God but it sure did. What I do remember mentioning to him was how God wanted to be his friend, and that sparked his attention. I offered doing a Bible study with him right there and he agreed to it. In this Bible study I mention how I had experienced some bad friendships in the past and how it made me scared to have a best friend. However, now that I do have a best friend and our friendship is grounded in Christ it's helping me to understand what a relationship/friendship with God is like. I also mention how many times just as I was scared to have a best friend, others are afraid of having a friendship with God because they've been hurt in the past. 

As I was going through this point his jaw dropped, and he told me "you have no idea how much I need to hear this right now." He then began to tell me how just a few hours earlier he had seen the love of his life with another man and how it just shattered his heart into pieces. He told me how he just sat in his car and poured out his heart to God as he wept. He told God how his heart ached and how he needed assurance of God's love for him. After crying in his car for hours he thought he would pull himself together and try to get some work accomplished. He wanted to be around people to be happy so he went to Starbucks, and that's when I walked up to him. He kept repeating, "I know God sent you to come talk to me and you've inspired me to study my Bible more." After we finished studying he agreed to continuing studying only at his house. On Tuesday Sheila and I went to study at his house and he has been throughly enjoying what he's been learning. While at his house he also mentioned how his brother had been praying for him to study the Bible with someone and how I was an answer to his prayer. Also he doesn't simply want to study once, or twice a week, but tomorrow will be the third time we've studied this week.

On Sunday I anticipated to give a Bible study to someone at Starbucks and I did, however not according to my plan but God's. 

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." 
Romans 8:28

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Trying to Stop Roller Skates, Don't Do It

It's the first Saturday night at the church we're working at and it just so happens that they hold a "gym night." Sometimes they play basketball but tonight the gym was opened for roller skating. The gym has a entire storage closet containing three massive bookshelves filled with skates. At first I was pretty stoked because for one, I'm probably the most uncoordinated person when it comes to anything athletic. Also I'm pretty much terrified of any ball, so basketball isn't necessarily my speed. However, roller skates, that didn't sound so bad. My cousin taught me how to roller blade when I was little so I really didn't think it was going to be all that difficult. I mean it's still wheels on your feet. How different could it possible be from roller blading? Let's just say I quickly found out the difference. Here's some observations that I thought about while attempting to skate tonight.
  1. Roller blades are awesome!! Roller skates are a death trap. (Okay, maybe they're not, but they are for me.)
  2. If you want to stop on roller skates, the break is on the toe not the heel.
  3. Forget trying to stop using the front of the skate anyway, just crash into a wall (it's way safer, and less painful, because you'll most likely fall forward trying to stop anyway). 
  4. Once you get going it's not so bad. Just don't plan on stopping.
  5. If you're going learn to skate, think about starting when you're a little kid. (You're closer to the ground and it's not as far of a drop when you fall.)
  6. If you've passed childhood and you don't want to make a fool of yourself, just stick with the little kids that are learning. (Their cuteness counteracts your ridiculousness.)
  7. The best thing to do when being around people roller skating is to watch. (Melina had a blast watching Sheila and myself crash into walls.)

On a more serious note I did learn a lot from skating tonight. When you first start out you quickly learn that the side wall is your best friend. You hold onto it like crazy, it upholds you and supports you. You move very slowly and cautiously and you basically learn how to get going. When you start getting more comfortable you start moving at a faster pace and before you know it you're skating around and things are great. However, stopping is what is dangerous, and if you are going to crash, crash into the wall, it may still be difficult but it's a lot safer.

Thinking about skating made me think about walking with God. When we first start out we need extra support. It's scary to get started, and sometimes it feels like it's completely foreign. The more you spend time with God the more comfortable you are and the easier it is. You begin to really enjoy having a relationship with Him. And whatever you do, don't stop. Stopping is painful and it doesn't mean you will never be able to get going again but sometimes after crashing it's harder to get going again. The best thing to do when you feel shaky is to go right back to that extra support. Also if you ever feel like you ever are going to fall, fall into the arms of Jesus.

"No man, having put his hand to the plough, and 
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 
Luke 9:62

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hawaii's First Winter

It was ten in the morning when Melina and I embarked on the first leg of our journey to begin our Bible Work term. We just finished a week comprised of outreach as well as conferences at GYC in Phoenix and now the day has finally come, the day we would leave to start Bible Working. We hopped in my Volkswagen Jetta and started driving towards Prescott where our school is located. The scenery was rather plain, all you could see was the city, then it turned to a desert filled with cacti. However, as we continued to drive, Melina mentioned "oh hey, there's snow." Being that Melina is from Idaho, snow is a common sight, however I had a completely different reaction. "Dude!!!! There's snow!" That was more of my response.

Here's the thing, I'm from Hawaii and where I come from, let's just definitely doesn't snow. We don't even have seasons. Summer, winter, autumn, and spring were just things I learned about in science class. So seeing snow was definitely a big deal. Melina and I would continue talking as we kept driving but the amazing sight never left my mind. I kept interrupting Melina about every three minutes because I just couldn't get over the sight of seeing snow on the ground. It's amazing how a simple white substance could change the plain scenery of the desert to a beautiful white blanket.

Two hours later we finally arrived at our school's location in Prescott to pick up Melina's car. To our surprise we found her car also covered in snow as well. I learned a lot about snow just today, for example how to get snow off a car and how to make a snow man. I had no idea there was a specific way to make a snow man. I could probably ramble on for a while how I was mind blown about how amazing snow is, however the most thought provoking thing I could say can be summarized in these song lyrics based off Isaiah 1:18.

White as snow, white as snow
Though my sins were as scarlet
Lord, I know, Lord, I know
That I'm clean and forgiven

Through the power of Your blood
Through the wonder of Your love 
Through faith in You I know that I can be
White as snow

Right now the we're at the end of this holiday season. Christmas presents are being put to use and people are making resolutions to do something different and start things off afresh. Even if you got the best Christmas present ever or have the most incredible drive to keep your new years resolutions, I simply want to share with you the best Christmas present you could be given and the best promise to claim this new year to help you start things off afresh.

"It is peace that you need—Heaven’s forgiveness and peace and love in the soul. Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot procure it, wisdom cannot attain to it; you can never hope, by your own efforts, to secure it. But God offers it to you as a gift, “without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1. It is yours if you will but reach out your hand and grasp it. The Lord says, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18. “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you.” Ezekiel 36:26." (A Call To Stand Apart, pg. 29)

This promise is yours. Simply claim it.