Saturday, January 10, 2015

Trying to Stop Roller Skates, Don't Do It

It's the first Saturday night at the church we're working at and it just so happens that they hold a "gym night." Sometimes they play basketball but tonight the gym was opened for roller skating. The gym has a entire storage closet containing three massive bookshelves filled with skates. At first I was pretty stoked because for one, I'm probably the most uncoordinated person when it comes to anything athletic. Also I'm pretty much terrified of any ball, so basketball isn't necessarily my speed. However, roller skates, that didn't sound so bad. My cousin taught me how to roller blade when I was little so I really didn't think it was going to be all that difficult. I mean it's still wheels on your feet. How different could it possible be from roller blading? Let's just say I quickly found out the difference. Here's some observations that I thought about while attempting to skate tonight.
  1. Roller blades are awesome!! Roller skates are a death trap. (Okay, maybe they're not, but they are for me.)
  2. If you want to stop on roller skates, the break is on the toe not the heel.
  3. Forget trying to stop using the front of the skate anyway, just crash into a wall (it's way safer, and less painful, because you'll most likely fall forward trying to stop anyway). 
  4. Once you get going it's not so bad. Just don't plan on stopping.
  5. If you're going learn to skate, think about starting when you're a little kid. (You're closer to the ground and it's not as far of a drop when you fall.)
  6. If you've passed childhood and you don't want to make a fool of yourself, just stick with the little kids that are learning. (Their cuteness counteracts your ridiculousness.)
  7. The best thing to do when being around people roller skating is to watch. (Melina had a blast watching Sheila and myself crash into walls.)

On a more serious note I did learn a lot from skating tonight. When you first start out you quickly learn that the side wall is your best friend. You hold onto it like crazy, it upholds you and supports you. You move very slowly and cautiously and you basically learn how to get going. When you start getting more comfortable you start moving at a faster pace and before you know it you're skating around and things are great. However, stopping is what is dangerous, and if you are going to crash, crash into the wall, it may still be difficult but it's a lot safer.

Thinking about skating made me think about walking with God. When we first start out we need extra support. It's scary to get started, and sometimes it feels like it's completely foreign. The more you spend time with God the more comfortable you are and the easier it is. You begin to really enjoy having a relationship with Him. And whatever you do, don't stop. Stopping is painful and it doesn't mean you will never be able to get going again but sometimes after crashing it's harder to get going again. The best thing to do when you feel shaky is to go right back to that extra support. Also if you ever feel like you ever are going to fall, fall into the arms of Jesus.

"No man, having put his hand to the plough, and 
looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." 
Luke 9:62


  1. Oh, Janelle...your list of seven observations while learning to roller skate is so funny, especially "Roller skates are a death trap.". I'm still laughing over that one!

  2. I love to skate! I was in the kitchen with the missionaries. 😉. Mission Belize is fast approaching, like a seasoned skater on well tuned wheels. This sure made me laugh!

  3. Janelle!!! Yes. Death trap. Indeed. Augh. My aunt shattered her wrist roller skating for all of the above reasons and can't use her hand the same as before. This was a few years ago... Don't do it again. I'm begging you. lol
