Sunday, January 25, 2015

No...On Second Thought, Sign Me Up

An example of the massive driveways I'm talking about.
A few weeks ago Melina and I decided to go and survey a neighborhood that had previously been canvassed. We pulled up in Melina's car, parked on the side of the road and hopped out. The street consisted of a massive hill with houses that consisted of more massive hilly driveways. Since Melina's knee had been giving her problems I decided to do the homes with the bigger driveways (at least that was the original plan). As the night progressed I ended up only visiting three houses while Melina did the rest of the street. (Sorry Melina, I really intended to do the houses with the massive driveways.) No one was home at the first house. I got invited inside the second house and ended up giving an impromptu Bible study. Then I got to the third house, that's what this blog post is really about.

I walked down the long drive way and knocked on the door. Kim answered and I began asking her about different programs we were offering. She got super excited about the Natural Foods Cooking school and then invited me inside. We kept talking and as I continued going down the list of programs I got to the main reason why I was there, I wanted to know if she was interested in personal Bible studies. Her initial reaction was, "No!" She then told me about her Catholic background and how she really wasn't interested in Bible studies. So I went back to talking about health. 

I haven't always been the healthiest person. I had a lot of health problems such as severe anemia as well as other things even the specialists couldn't figure out. However, when I changed my diet, my health problems either went away or got significantly better. I didn't change my diet because I didn't like eating the things I used to, but because I felt so much better, I decided to stick with it. Now my health has been an a gradual upward slope. Last year around this time I was privileged to be apart of a Health Practicum my school put on and this year I took a class called Health and Healing which also aided my lifestyle changes. The main homework in my health class was to exercise for an hour every day, besides Saturday, and I was really surprised with the results by the end of the semester. Another portion of my health class was learning how to do simple treatments and natural remedies, and I must say it's pretty awesome. 

This is pretty much exactly what I talked to Kim about after she turned me down for Bible studies. My goal when leaving someone's house, especially if they tell me no, is to at least leave them with a smile on their face. Since Kim really liked talking about health, I stuck with that. I started filling out her contact info for the health seminar Melina and I are planning and then started walking towards to the door to leave. As I was leaving Kim stopped me and said "on second thought, you can sign me up for personal Bible studies as well." 

Random fact: Kim is a hairdresser
 (also my mom is a hairdresser)
This was right before our most recent study. 
I heard several times, "Medical missionary work is the right hand of the gospel. It is necessary to the advancement of the cause of God. As through it men and women are led to see the importance of right habits of living, the saving power of the truth will be made known... God's methods of treating disease will open doors for the entrance of present truth." (Counsels on Health, pg. 219) But that night I really got to see it first hand. 

In fact because of how health is an amazing bridge to leading others to the gospel, we decided to put on a health seminar. The health seminar will be right before our church's evangelistic series and our ultimate goal is to get them hooked on health, then lead them to Jesus.
Notes from our first meeting to plan the health seminar

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