Monday, January 19, 2015

Fixing Pot Holes

I'd like to take a moment to introduce you to our amazing house parents. Their real names are Ed and Linda Russell but we call them Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo. Living with them has been such a blessing. They spoil us as if we were their own kids and they are just a blast to be around. Melina and I constantly find ourselves talking about how amazing Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo are for several reasons. 
It's amazing to see a praying family as well as seeing their interaction with each other as well (I must say it's rather adorable). They're always asking us when our Bible studies are so that they can pray for us the same time we're studying with someone. Also it's precious to see them always together whether they're playing a board game, hanging out in the living room, or even fixing pot holes in their neighborhood. (Hint: I'm gonna talk about potholes now, as you probably guess from the title of this blog.)

One day when Melina and I were coming home, we found Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo on the road leading to their house fixing pot holes. Now fixing pot holes isn't necessarily something that people do every day so I decided to ask them about it. Since their live on a private country road the government doesn't upkeep the road and it tends to get beat up. Their neighbors can't afford to chip in to pay the government to repave it, so Uncle Pops and Aunty Gogo have taken upon themselves to fix it.They get on their golf cart with a bucket full of black top mix and the drive down the road fixing each one. It's cute because they'll make each fill creative by adding stones to write in different words such as peace, joy, and love, or their draw pictures like smiley faces. 

A few days later I went on a walk down the road and ran into Aunty Gogo while walking back. We started talking about fixing pot holes and she mentioned something to me that was profound. She said, "the best way to fix a pot hole is to work on it when it's still small because it's easier to fix, the bigger ones are still fixable but it takes more work." This made me think about how we're walking down this road of life, and sometimes we have pot holes. 

Pot holes are like broken pieces in our heart. Not everyone has the same pot hole. It may be in a different area of the road and it may be in a variety of sizes. There's one thing we all have in common though; all our pot holes need fixing. The nice thing is we have someone who is an expert in not just fixing our pot holes, but filling those holes with a love that can satisfy. 

Think about your life, is there a pot hole in your life that God wants to fix? He wants to fix it for you, it's just up to you if you decide to let Him. 

"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit."
Psalm 34:18

1 comment:

  1. What cool houseparents!! Where is Melina!!?? Write something fool!! lol. I love reading these. :)
